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THE ATA library is an eclectic treasure trove
The ATA library is always receiving new books and videos on a wide range of topics. We post many of our new resources on the ATA Facebook page ( and Twitter account (albertateachers); however, we encourage you to talk to our staff or use the library catalogue to locate titles that match your areas of interest. Please contact us: 780-447-9400 (Edmonton and area); 1-800-232-7208 (toll free from elsewhere in Alberta);
AISI Resources
Assistance to Alberta School Authorities for Documentation of AISI Products and Practices: Proposal
Alberta Learning. 2001. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Learning. (AE ASS)
AISI Technology Projects Research Review: Summary of Findings from Cycle One 2000–2001 to 2002–2003
Alberta Learning. 2004. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Learning. (AE AIS)
Celebrating School Improvement: Six Lessons Learned from Alberta's AISI Projects
Jim Parsons and Leah Taylor. 2006. Edmonton, Alta.: School Improvement Press. (371.2075 P267)
Character, School Climate and Student Leadership: A Review of AISI Cycle 2 Projects (2003–2006) Effective Practices
Arlene Connell. 2008. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Education. (370.114 C469 and AE CHA)
Differentiated Instruction Provincial Research Review: Choice, Complexity and Creativity
Lynn McQuarrie and Holly Stack-Cutler. 2008. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Education. (371.394 M173 and AE DIF)
Framework for the Alberta Initiative for School Improvement
Alberta Initiative for School Improvement Education Partners Steering Committee. 1999. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Learning. (371.2 A333 and AE FRA)
High School Completion: AISI Provincial Research Review
Thelma M. Gunn and John C. Poulsen. 2008. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Education. (373.7123 G976 and AE HIG)
Improving Student Learning: Provincial Report for Cycle 2 (2003–2006)
Alberta Education. 2008. Edmonton, Alta.: Alberta Education. (371.2 I34 and AE IMP)
Little Bits of Goodness—Ten Years AISI: Impact on Teachers, Schools, and Beyond
Jim Parsons and Kelly Harding. 2009. Edmonton, Alta.: School Improvement Press.
Trust for Partnership Fidelity in School Improvement
Jean-Claude Couture and Marilyn Hrycauk. 2007. s.l, (371.207 C872)
Differentiating School Leadership: Facing the Challenges of Practice
Dan Linden Duke. 2010. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press. (371.2012 D877)
Duke argues that no one-size-fits-all approach exists for school leadership. He uses leadership models to provide examples of failures and successes, and suggests how to maintain leadership practice.
The Extremes of the Bell Curve: Excellent and Poor School Performance and Risk for Severe Mental Disorders
James H. MacCabe. 2010. New York: Psychology Press. (370.153 M121)
Anecdotes about the link between high intelligence, exceptional creativity and mental illness have long been part of the literature in teaching. MacCabe examines Swedish population data and reports that children who achieve either exceptionally high or remarkably low grades at school have a greater risk of adult mental health disorders.
Fostering Child and Adolescent Mental Health in the Classroom
Raymond J. Waller, ed.2006. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications. (371.92 F758)
An excellent overview and resource for anyone who wants to understand the mental health diagnoses that increasingly appear in schools today. This thorough and readable guide offers insights into the most common mental health issues teachers encounter in the classroom.
From Fear to Facebook: One School’s Journey
Matt Levinson. 2010. Eugene, Ore.: ISTE. (371.3344678 L665)
In 2007, when Levinson started a one-to-one laptop program at the Nueva School, in San Francisco, he never imagined the challenges he’d face. The author recounts the cultural shift that occurred with incorporating technology, and he provides a road map for navigating the changes with buy-in from education stakeholders.
Inviting Students to Learn: 100 Tips for Talking Effectively with Your Students
Jenny Edwards. 2010. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD. (371.1022 E26)
Focusing on conversation skills between teachers and their students, Edwards provides teachers with thoughtful advice for engaging and inspiring students by boosting their self-esteem, improving their knowledge and encouraging them to work toward goals.
The Joy of Chemistry: The Amazing Science of Familiar Things
Cathy Cobb and Monty L. Fetterolf. 2010. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books. (540 C563)
The Joy of Chemistry is a well-written and easy-to-follow book on how basic chemistry functions in the everyday world. The book features entertaining examples and ideas for experiments.
Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies That Change Student Attitudes and Get Results
Judy Willis. 2010. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD. (510.71 W734)
Students often resist mathematics because they have experienced frustration and failure in the past. Willis uses her experience as a math teacher and a neurologist to present teachers with ideas for re-engaging students in the excitement of math.
Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School
Sue Johnston-Wilder et al., eds. 2011. London: Routledge. (510.71 L438)
The book, written specifically with the new teacher in mind, covers assessment, math and math lessons, students with special needs, PD for teachers, and the role of information and communications technology (ICT).
Mathematics Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers
Mary M. Hatfield et al. 2008. New York: John Wiley & Sons. (372.7 M426)
The authors present activity-based approaches to teaching math, with an emphasis on using manipulatives to build conceptual understanding. The book features practical ideas, video examples and assessment techniques for math instruction.
Our Worlds in Our Words: Exploring Race, Class, Gender and Sexual Orientation in Multicultural Classrooms
Mary Dilg. 2010. New York: Teachers College Press. (370.117 D576)
Dilg challenged her English students to examine and debate the ideas of writers who explore complex issues, such as race, class and sexual orientation. Samples of classroom writing demonstrating how students used English assignments to make sense of themselves and their world are included.
Programs to Reduce Teen Dating Violence and Sexual Assault: Perspectives on What Works
Arlene N. Weisz and Beverly M. Black. 2009. New York: Columbia University Press. (362.88083 W433)
Based on interviews with practitioners from more than 50 dating violence and sexual assault programs across the U.S., this book is a unique resource for preventing teen dating violence. Weisz and Black describe program goals and content, recruitment strategies, membership, structure, community involvement and approaches to reveal core techniques that should be part of every prevention program.
The School Counselor’s Mental Health Sourcebook: Strategies to Help Students Succeed
Rick Auger. 2011. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Corwin Press. (371.713 A919)
This easy-to-follow and comprehensive sourcebook provides information on common mental health disorders, as well as practical suggestions for assisting students, parents and teachers.
Supporting Indigenous Children’s Development
Jessica Ball and Alan Pence. 2006. Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press. (371.829 B187)
Imposing best practices for education on First Nations communities rarely works, as best practices fail to engage the culture around education. Ball and Pence explore an Aboriginal-initiated partnership with the University of Victoria that involves community leaders in developing the curriculum. The authors discuss how this innovative program has strengthened the community’s ability to design, deliver and evaluate culturally appropriate programs to support young children’s development.
Teaching the iGeneration: 5 Easy Ways to Introduce Essential Skills with Web 2.0 Tools
William M. Ferriter and Adam Garry. 2010. Bloomington, Ind.: Solution Tree. (371.44678 F394)
The iGeneration: students willing to experiment their way through anything, confident that trial and error can crack the code better than reading manuals or following directions. Each chapter focuses on a specific skill—information fluency, persuasion, communication, collaboration and problem solving. Digital solutions to enhance traditional skill-based instructional practices are provided, as are handouts and activities.
Teaching the Taboo: Courage and Imagination in the Classroom—Teaching with Digital Video
Glen L. Bull and Lynn Bell, eds. 2010. Eugene, Ore.: International Society for Technology in Education. (371.3346696 T253)
Educators can effectively use digital video to engage students in four core curriculum areas: science, social studies, language arts and math. By watching, analyzing and creating videos, students can visualize fractals, calculate the speed of sound and demonstrate critical thinking about historic events and more. The authors present ideas to help teachers integrate this technology in their classrooms.
Technology in the Secondary Science Classroom
Randy L. Bell, Julie Gess-Newsome and Julie Luft, eds. 2008. Arlington, Va.: NSTA Press. (607.1 T255)
This book offers a quick look at software and online tools that can be used to enhance learning in the secondary science curriculum. It includes chapters on computer simulations, probeware, online videos and online data sources. The authors also provide annotated lists of Web links.
The Well-Balanced Teacher: How to Work Smarter and Stay Sane Inside the Classroom and Out
Mike Anderson. 2010. Alexandria, Va.: ASCD. (371.1 A548)
Teachers who are stressed and exhausted can’t create positive spaces where children can learn. Anderson discusses five areas for teachers to focus on to keep themselves in shape mentally and physically: bodies, belonging, significance, positive engagement and balance.
Creative Rehearsal Techniques for Today’s Choral Classroom: Maintaining Student Interest and Maximizing Their Musicianship
Alfred Publishing, 2005; 45 minutes
Music conductor Russell Robinson brings his innovative instruction methods to a music directors’ workshop. The video features advice on live demonstrations, warm-ups, effective discipline techniques, conducting and the importance of humour in rehearsal. Robinson provides tips to help choral vocalists fully realize their abilities.
Common Purpose: Getting from Me to We
Stanford Executive Briefings, 2010; 54 minutes
Organizations that achieve exceptional results encompass people united by a common purpose that fosters hard work, sacrifice and exemplary performance to accomplish the organization’s goals. Leaders inspire a sense of mission and provide people with opportunities to contribute.
The Brain Fitness Program
PBS, 2007; 60 minutes
This workout gets the biggest muscle in the body into better shape by exercising and feeding it properly. The program is based on current understanding of neuroplasticity—the brain’s ability to change, adapt and rewire itself.
Making Sense of Counterwill
Neufeld Institute, 2010; 4 hours
Although the counterwill impulse—the instinct that gives rise to resistance and opposition in children—is normal and healthy in certain circumstances, it can be disruptive in the classroom. This video presents a three-pronged approach to preventing and intervening in disruptive behaviours. The material presented applies to all ages of youth, from toddlers to adolescents.
French Books/Livres en français
L’autorité éducative dans la classe : douze situations pour apprendre à l’exercer
Bruno Robbes, 2010. (371.1024 R631)
L’auteur souligne la nécessité de dépasser l’opposition entre contrainte et liberté afin de construire des situations où l’élève consent à s’impliquer dans ce qui lui est proposé pour accéder aux savoirs qui lui permettront de s’émanciper. Il montre aussi que cette autorité requiert une éthique professionnelle qui la rend, tout à la fois, légitime et praticable.
Un cerveau pour apprendre les mathématiques : mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du cerveau pour enseigner les mathématiques plus efficacement
David A. Sousa. 2010. (510.71 S725)
Ce livre permet de répondre à de nombreuses questions, notamment :
- Comment le cerveau acquiert-il une compréhension des relations entre les nombres?
- Que peut-on faire pour planifier les cours de mathématiques et les adapter aux stades de développement des jeunes enfants, des élèves de 6 à 12 ans et des adolescents?
La différenciation pédagogique : enseigner en fonction des styles d’apprentissage et de la mémoire
Marilee Sprenger. 2010. (370.1523 S768)
Marilee Sprenger fournit des stratégies pertinentes aux enseignants du primaire et du secondaire afin qu’ils puissent intégrer la différenciation pédagogique à leur quotidien. Elle traite d’abord des environnements propices à l’apprentissage, des styles d’apprentissage (visuel, auditif et kinesthésique) et du fonctionnement de la mémoire.
Un enseignant bien outillé : des élèves motivés
Lisette Ouillet. 2010. (371.102 O93)
L’auteure livre ses expériences et ses réflexions sur de grandes thématiques liées à l’enseignement : le transfert des apprentissages, les interventions en classe, les comportements, les disciplines, les compétences transversales, les devoirs et leçons, la place des parents, l’autonomie, l’enrichissement, la motivation, la coopération, la résolution de conflits, l’estime de soi, etc.
Éveiller les enfants aux sciences et aux technologies : des expériences pour les petits de 3 à 7 ans
Marcel Thouin. 2010. (372.34 T525)
Cet ouvrage a d’abord été conçu pour les éducateurs et les enseignants qui cherchent des expériences simples et faciles à réaliser pour enrichir leur façon d’aborder les sciences et les technologies au préscolaire ou au tout début du primaire.
L’hyperactivité au diapason de la musique et du français
Linda Essiambre, Pauline Côté et Nicole Chevalier. 2009. (371.94 E78)
L’ouvrage présente une approche novatrice, multisensorielle et cognitivomotrice en musique, par l’apprentissage de la guitare, pour en explorer les liens avec l’apprentissage du français chez les élèves manifestant des comportements d’hyperactivité.
Leçons d’éléphants : pour la réussite des garçons à l’école
Égide Royer. 2010. (371.823 R891)
Égide Royer propose aux parents, aux enseignants et aux autres éducateurs de faire le point sur les difficultés actuelles concernant la relation des garçons avec l’école. Il recommande des mesures concrètes et applicables pour faire en sorte que la réussite scolaire soit également celle des gars.
La motivation à l’école, un passeport pour l’avenir
Germain Duclos. 2010. (370.154 D838)
L'auteur fait le point sur le problème de l’abandon scolaire, sur ses causes et ses conséquences, explique ce qu’est réellement la motivation aux apprentissages scolaires et met en lumière les principaux facteurs qui la favorisent ou qui lui nuisent.
Pédagogie de la bande dessinée : lectures d’un récit d’Edmond Baudoin
Philippe Sohet. 2010. (741.5 S682)
Philippe Sohet propose une lecture commentée de 1420406088198 d’Edmond Baudoin. Son analyse du contenu, de la mise en récit et de l’expression de cette œuvre, dont l’intérêt repose avant tout sur l’utilisation intelligente des ressources expressives que permet la bande dessinée, stimulera les interprétations les plus variées.
Stratégies d’écriture en mathématiques, en science et en sciences sociales
Sarah Kartchner et Trisha Brummer. 2010. (372.7 C595)
Les auteures donnent pour chaque stratégie des suggestions d’enseignement différencié destinées aux élèves en français langue seconde (FLS), aux élèves doués ainsi qu’aux élèves ayant des compétences en lecture et en écriture en deçà de leur niveau scolaire.
Yogamin : programme d’exercices physiques inspiré du yoga, du tai-chi et du Pilates
Karine Bélanger. 2011. (372.86 B426)
Cette méthode innovatrice pour exploiter les œuvres d’art peut être utilisée dans les classes du primaire et du secondaire. Des activités pratiques sont suggérées pour amener l’élève à comprendre sujet et structure au moyen d’œuvres d’art.